Photos from Our Growers
Thank you growers! Here are a few photos of rice in Pennsylvania, and a blossoming blueberry plant in Michigan.
Thank you growers! Here are a few photos of rice in Pennsylvania, and a blossoming blueberry plant in Michigan.
Soil samples have been trickling in which indicates that the arrival of warmer days and soils is just around the corner. This newsletter is chock-full of information about our soil testing (CEC, Saturated Paste and Bio-logical) and how these tools are utilized to contribute to the success of any size growing operation.
Stories Include: Did You Miss Our Winter Newsletter? Silent Spring! CSI Welcomes Smaller Growers and Homesteaders! Think of Your Soil as a Battery Biologically Speaking Crop Residue Management Sequestering Carbon…a Biological Process Compost Tea on Turf Grass and Landscapes Introducing our Garden Programs
Download a PDF version of this newsletter ACRES Pre-Conference Track CSI is proud to be presenting a (2-day) seminar on Sustainable & Organic Farming at ACRES ECO-AG University Dec. 3-4, 2014. Eco-Ag University is the Advanced Learn-ing program offered through ACRES where attendees can choose a variety of “pre-conference tracks” taught by top-notch consultants, farmers, […]
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We believe both weeds and insects tell us something about the condition of our soil and/or crop. Both proliferate when condition are good and decline when those conditions warrant. Weed populations give you an indication of your soil IF you know how to interpret them. Jay McCaman’s Weeds and Why They Grow and Charles Walters, […]
The goal of Nontoxic, Sustainable, Biological farming is to grow high Brix, high nutrient crops. Brix is a refractometer reading indicating the level of dissolved solids (mostly sugars and carbohydrates) contained in the juice being measured. The higher the brix reading the higher the sugars, mineral levels, specific gravity and true protein levels. This adds […]
BELATED HOLIDAY GREETINGS: Thank You for Your Past Business & we hope you had a great holiday season and we look forward to working with you this year. Good Luck & Good Growing. Dr. Phil, Joe & Sue. CHANGE AT CSI: Ron Ward has retired. We wish him well and welcome on board Joe Miazgowicz […]
Organic Once considered a 60’s thing, demand for organically raised foods is increasing yearly due to perceived concerns over the use of toxic chemicals in conventional farming. Recently the federal government has codified organic standards meaning that Organically Grown is becoming big business. Still organic too often means what you can and can’t use in […]
By Philip A. Wheeler, Ph.D. The first point to make is that it is easier to prepare for drought before you are in one than to try to rescue yourself from one your already experiencing. Regardless of what stage your in the principles which will be addressed here are the same. Three processes are involved: Capturing […]