CSI Grower Grazier Newsletter – August 2008
It seems that agriculture is one of the “Bright Spots” in this very volatile international economy. However, it isn’t so bright if you got flooded out or parched dry by the ever variable weather. Since these letters are supposed to be giving you helpful information, we will repeat some topics that may have been covered before, but now have more urgency.
CROP INSURANCE: I started talking about not having “normal” weather anymore back in the 70’s. I don’t think there is much question that weather is starting to get more unpredictable and more severe. That is what the government scientists are saying. Warming or cooling? Who knows for sure, but right now the penguins are starting to take off their tuxedo coats and just wearing white shirts. What we do know is that CO2 levels are rising and are way above what we can deduce from ancient ice and other methods in the last few thousand years. Since you or I can’t change that ourselves in the short term, crop insurance is the logical choice to shield yourselves from the unpredictability. You can’t afford not to consider it for each crop planted.
PLAN B: Also, along that same line, I would suggest you always have a “Plan B” for your cropping schedule and enact it quickly. Be prepared to take a damaged crop down quickly and have an alternate or second planting of the same in mind. If the crop is still viable, it needs immediate foliar feeding to boost its energy available for recovery. One of the best sprays would be 2 qts Fish Agra, 1 pint Nitrozyme (seaweed) and 1-3 #s sugar and/or 2-3 qts molasses. If you have Tainio products on hand, Pepzyme, Micro 5000 or PZ 1000 can be used. Baicor users should reach for their Plant Stimulator. Those using Broadcasters may need to use the field drying formula and/or several other GW field sprays to answer specific problems.
EQUIPMENT USE EFFICIENCY: With record gas and diesel fuel prices, multitasking while going across a field seems like a no-brainer. If I was still farming, I would have saddle tanks that could contain two different solutions and the ability to put out one in the front with a boom (spray or drop nozzles) and one out the back with capability of foliar feeding, injecting in row, injecting side dress, etc. I would also have a seeder on the front that could spread ahead of cultivators/planters/harrows/discs etc. so I could be putting in a cover crop at any stage of the economic crop or spreading the economic crop itself. You are only limited by your imagination.
MULTI-CROPPING: Having two crops growing at the same time helps use up more CO2 as well as providing ground cover/heat protection, moisture retention; weed suppression, and nitrogen fixation if using a legume. Some crop duos could be planted the same time or the second crop could go in at any cultivation, etc. Aerial seeding is also a possibility. Over the years, I have had many a grower tell me how there just isn’t enough time between harvest and freezing to get anything to grow! And I can recall many years where it would have worked if they had just done it. “Bin run” oats or any other grains are very inexpensive and can be used as cover crops. Annual rye grass will certainly grow in fall wet, cool conditions. Broadcast with the equipment modifications mentioned above while disking down stubble or chisel plowing. Hugh Lovel proved how compatible soys and corn can be. Would you rather buy oil-based N?
GET OFF OF OIL BASED CHEMICAL RESCUE NOW! Are you still insisting that your particular crop or crops “just can’t be grown organically”? Try going to a health food store or progressive super market and I defy you to not find an example of your crop(s) as a primary or secondary ingredient. You don’t have to go certified organic. Just use the techniques that are known in the industry to apply to your situation.
REMINERLIZATION-PHOSPAHTE: According to a report in the Energy Bulletin, a research and statistical analysis using “Hubert Linearization” by physicist Patrick Dery, phosphorous supplies have “peaked” on a world wide basis. He estimated that P peaked in the US in 1988 and peaked in the world in 1989. Now you may begin to understand why MAP and DAP are over $1000/ton. This makes TN Brown Rock/Phos look very appealing price-wise, even though the price is up significantly FOB the mine in TN. If you need phosphate, please don’t wait much longer. Schedule/budget to get your fields up to adequate or better levels in the next few years as TN Brown is a finite source that we will continue to offer until it’s gone!
REMINERALIZATION-SULFUR: CSI continues to see 99% of soil tests coming through very deficient in S. Sulfur prices skyrocketed this winter, but our KS Plus only went up a little in comparison. The mine has undergone a whole new upgrade and will be ready for fall shipments. Sulfur is the key to efficient N utilization!
REMINERALIZATION-TRACES: All our mineral products continue to provide broad spectrum traces as part of their natural makeup. Green Sand, TN Brown Phos, KS Plus, Calcium Silicate and NM Humates are all loaded with traces. Natural AG Gypsum provides a few traces, but even our liquids such as Fish Agra, Nitrozyme, Min-Tec Sea Water and our bacterial products contain many trace minerals.
BIOACTIVATION: This can be a very frustrating part of the program/equation. No one can predict with certainty when Mother Nature will let the microbes flourish again in conventionally farmed soils. What is keeping them from flourishing can also be a mystery. We know compaction (lack of oxygen) can be a major problem, but there are so many possible contaminants in very small quantities that it would be financially impossible to test for every compound. My best advice is to keep on keeping on as time, patience and continued use of good clean materials is the only way it will ever happen!
LEAF pH IS A KEY: Monitoring tissue pH with portable meters from Pike Labs –http://pikeagri.com/ – and foliar spraying accordingly will assist. As Bruce Tainio says, as the pH goes up from 6.4 insect attack probability increases; as pH goes down from 6.4, disease probability increases.
ENERGY CAPTURE/USE: One or more of the contaminants holding back biology may be energies or frequencies. The energy patterns of chemical contaminants may be just as much a factor in suppressing biology as the actual chemical compound. Remember that living cells are about 100 times more sensitive to frequencies than to the chemical compound. That means all the new microwave frequencies may/can/will have a negative effective because nature has never experienced them before.
Basic energy manipulation is just using Ream’s technology to apply fertilizers, either ground or foliar, at the right time to tweak the plant do what you want it to do. Since there are only two things the plant can do, grow or reproduce, the concepts are fairly easy to use. Positive or sweet things cause plants to grow (Ca+, K+) with two special cases (Cl- and NO3-) also as growth factors. Negative or sour things make plants reproduce (SO4-, P2O5-) again with two special cases (Mn+, the seed of life and NH4+). If you want to learn the system in more detail, see our book, The Non-Toxic Farming Handbookavailable from CSI or Acres USA.
The next basic use of energy by CSI is the use of a Radionic device (Electronic Scanner) to make sure any input we supply is not only compatible, but energy enhancing as well. Why would you want to buy and apply something that is going to produce no increased energy when the whole plant/soil system you’re working with depends completely/entirely on multiple energy systems?
Advanced energy manipulation includes the use of Rudolph Steiner’s original concepts of cosmic energy commonly known as biodynamics, but with the modern refinements and updates of many, particularly, Greg Willis. CSI uses his field sprays in our Broadcaster/Field Tuners with great success. Veges™ Sound Machines are also examples of very effective, yet inexpensive, energy adding devices. Taking the opposite approach, a Symphony™ device eliminates dissonant energy patterns mostly from microwaves that can reduce or sicken your crop and negatively effect your livestock. Consider the Vege™ and/or Symphony™ with high value crops.
INSTALLING OUR FIRST SYMPHONY UNIT: The Symphony unit invented by Bruce Tainio is an amazing device. Ron & I traveled to the Cleveland, OH area to do our first installation on a beautiful residential setting on a river. The person purchasing the unit isextremely sensitive to electromagnetic frequencies. They had already purchased Concerto units for their home and were very pleased with the relief offered. Since they had a huge yard and wooded area down to the river, the Symphony provided the chance to clean up the “dirty energy” associated with micro-waves. The effect was immediate! The person’s polite countenance turned into a broad smile within seconds of turning on the Symphony unit. The next day they reported a major change in the excitability of their small dogs, increased bird presence and bird vocals. As they traveled to a nearby location, they felt the loss and then return of the signal at about 2.5-3 miles out. If any of you know of any game preserves, parks, zoos in your area, I think we can guarantee increased animal health and increased numbers’s of game animals coming into the treated area. The first use of a Symphony was on government forest land and animal attraction was one of the first effects noted.
TOO SMALL FOR SEMI-LOADS: Sociologists tell us that cooperation is almost always beneficial. We have had quite a few farmers start to bring in semi-loads of minerals and share them with other farms. Humates and TN Brown are the only ones that have 1 ton “Tote” bags available, but Amish farmers know they can handle a shovel, weigh at a local elevator and split bulk materials equitably. Another alternative is to approach a relatively close composting site that can bring in semi-loads and then blend for you. With that in mind, CSI is pleased to announce that blends are now available through us from a compost site in central Michigan…
BLENDED FERTILIZERS: CSI is now offering a blended fertilizer through a composting site in central MI. Most of the major components come from the local area or other parts of MI. This will enable us to offer very low prices compared to other blends such as Fertrell out of PA, Ohio Earth Foods or Midwestern Bio-Ag. All have NOP/organic approval, but the buyer is responsible for making sure his certifier approves. Blends will be available through CSI in bulk or tote bag semi loads only. Materials include:
Poultry Compost: 3-8-2; Feather Meal: 14-0-0; Meat & Bone Meal: 8-13-2;
Wood Ash: 0-0-2; TN Brown Phos: 0-3-0 (It actually is about 10-12% available);
Chilean Nitrate of Soda: 16-0-0; K-Mag: 0-0-21-11Mg-22S; Gypsum: 21%Ca, 16%S;
Hi-Cal Lime: 36.7 Ca, .5% Mg; KS Plus: 0-0-7-15S-1Fe; 90% Disintegrating Sulfur: 90%S
Current trace minerals on site include Boron 10%, Copper 25%, Manganese 32% & Zinc 36% all as elemental %’s. Pricing is based on current market pricing. As an example, we ran a formula for a 2-5-2 product that would sell for about $200/ton FOB. If you are using a trailer with pup that holds 40 ton, the freight can be under $20/ton in MI. I don’t think you can take the 40 tonners down into OH, IN & IL (check with your Dept Of Transportation).
You will be getting an “organic product”, loaded with broad spectrum trace minerals and lots of high quality bacteria & fungi IF compost is used as a base. Recommended rates would be 400-1000# per acre broadcast or 200-400#/A in row. Some formulas may go through fertilizer boxes and others would not.
PROGRAMS THAT WORK: 1. The following is reported by a blueberry farmer inMichigan concerning his 08 crop. Applications include 3 yards Morgan compost, 200 #’s Tn Brown, 100 #’s gypsum, and 100 #’s feather meal per acre. At petal fall, 100 #’s of ammonium sulfate was added. Banded liquids included humic acid, Fish Agra, seaweed, phos acid, trace minerals and ammonium thiosulfate. Foliar feeds at 10 day intervals consists of Fish Agra, seaweed, amino acid chelated traces, liquid calcium, phos acid and sugar. He achieved 13-15 Brix in the leaf tissue in mid-June and 15-19 in late June. Set was heavy! The same foliar feeds were used last fall, after harvest, which is a great way to reduce or eliminate freeze damage in our MI climate.
2. A SW Michigan wine grape grower had a serious problem in summer of 07. Drift of an illegal chemical had hit most of his vines and they were in a weakened condition. The Univ. expert predicted he would probably suffer a lot of winter damage/kill. Once he contacted CSI he started on a foliar spray based on the electronic scanner results. He also soil tested and began the remineralization and bioactivation stages. The seven foliar sprays before winter set in enabled him to avoid the predicted damage and the offending party paid for all materials, time and fuel for the rescue. He attended last Dec.’s Radionics Class in Louisville and uses a device.
His liquid soil activation program only called for molasses and Pepzyme M. He left a standing cover crop on as well. In his own words, “My blue clay turned into 3.5 feet of dark soil this spring. Three long term workers verified his findings and they were all astounded to discover this while digging some post holes.
This spring and summer he applied GW Ag Field Sprays as directed. The grapes were fungus free in a cool damp climate in an area rampart with fungal diseases. The vines went on to produce what looks now like an above average yield of 4.5-5 tons/A which are worth $1500/ton or more. He plans to install a Broadcasting Tower this fall so he can easily add GW Action Field Sprays to react to any crop or weather situation. Since the use of compost is vital for disease control, this grower has begun producing compost, using GW Ag specifications.
MY EXPERIENCE WITH GW SPRAYS: I have previously reported on the fungus problem in my Phlox and this year I again re-sprayed the two Ultra Combo Sprays (Winter/Spring and Summer/Fall) and his Super Strength Fungus Interruptus. The fungus is not on the Phlox this year even though there are some dead, dried up leaves!!! NOW THAT IS AMAZING!
ARE YOU INTERESTED?: CSI is contemplating sponsoring a 3 day class by Greg Willis of GW Agriculture. This could be scheduled in Grand Rapids, MI. Or, do you have a better location? CSI and some of our growers have seen some amazing things happen using GW Field Sprays applied directly and or through our Field Broadcasters/Towers (see above). This technology gets to the heart of Quantum Ag i.e. all soil, plant, and animal existence are energy based systems and pure energy can solve the problems we have in agriculture. The class would cover Steiner’s amazing discoveries of the 1920’s as interpreted, expanded and developed by Greg Willis. He is a great presenter of difficult to grasp, but essential information that will enable agriculture to breaks the bonds of linear thinking, and forever stop the use of Toxic Rescue Chemistry as a supposed “only way” to grow food for animals and humans. This 3 day class would most likely take place in late Oct. or early Nov, IF possible. Please give us your feedback as soon as you can. Thanks!
BE CAREFUL OF YOUR CASH FLOW: With the price of most everything increasing it’s easy to get “behind”. This is the first year CSI has ever experienced a bad “accounts receivable” situation. Just make sure you have the reserves you need when ordering.
SCHEDULE – and other – THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW: Dr. Phil and Ron will be presenting the Pre-Class at Acres this year on Dec 1,2 & 3 (M, T, W.); Conf. is 4,5 & 6, (Th, F, Sat.) and we will repeat the Radionics class on 7,8 & 9 (Sun, M, T) IF we get enough interest. Note: Thanksgiving Holiday is just before, so the class on the 1st will start in the evening on Monday to allow travel time to St. Louis, MO.
Phil & Louisa will be traveling from MI down thru IL, MO, OK and TX and back through LA, MS, TN in early OCT. Please let us know if you would like a “Stop In” visit.
Most Minerals have gone up, so please call to get current prices. New price lists sent Jan, 09.
Good Harvesting, Good Deer Hunting, Good Health and Happy Holidays!
Dr. Phil, Louisa and Ron