The Soil Connection Conference
February 23, 2023Traverse City, Michigan Register by phone: 231-360-0243 or REGISTER ONLINE
February 23, 2023Traverse City, Michigan Register by phone: 231-360-0243 or REGISTER ONLINE
Register and learn more at Sand to Soil Services
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We believe both weeds and insects tell us something about the condition of our soil and/or crop. Both proliferate when condition are good and decline when those conditions warrant. Weed populations give you an indication of your soil IF you know how to interpret them. Jay McCaman’s Weeds and Why They Grow and Charles Walters, […]
The goal of Nontoxic, Sustainable, Biological farming is to grow high Brix, high nutrient crops. Brix is a refractometer reading indicating the level of dissolved solids (mostly sugars and carbohydrates) contained in the juice being measured. The higher the brix reading the higher the sugars, mineral levels, specific gravity and true protein levels. This adds […]
Organic Once considered a 60’s thing, demand for organically raised foods is increasing yearly due to perceived concerns over the use of toxic chemicals in conventional farming. Recently the federal government has codified organic standards meaning that Organically Grown is becoming big business. Still organic too often means what you can and can’t use in […]